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GATE 2025 Online Test Series

GATE Online Test Series has a perfect blend of topicwise, subjectwise, part syllabus and full syllabus tests, enabling every aspirant to rise from basic to advanced level in the course of preparation.

  • Test Features
  1. Test Features Same exam interface as GATE exam
  2. Test Features Detailed Solutions for students reference
  3. Test Features Question wise detailed video solutions for student reference
  4. Test Features Facility of Ask an Expert ; where you can ask doubts related to questions
  5. Test Features Video Solutions by faculties to get the right approach of the question solution.
  6. Test Features Overall Analysis report : This report will have
  7. Your Score in that test, along with the number of questions attempted,
    Time Taken and the Rank secured.
  8. Marks Distribution (positive , negative and unattempted questions)
  9. Time wise Pi Chart ( Skipped, unproductive and productive)
  10. Test Features Comparison Reports: Comparison reports clearly demonstrate your
  11. Your score /Toppers Score
  12. Your Time /Time taken by Topper
  13. Your Accuracy/Topper's Accuracy
  14. Top Ten toppers' score comparison

This detailed report surely helps the students to identify their weak areas, rectify their mistakes and improve on them for their betterment and high score.


1. Tests will be active till the date of Exam.
2. At MADE EASY, we provide detailed video solutions for students to use as references. As chemical Engineering (CH) questions written solutions are more clear and easy to understand that's why we are not providing video solutions . Additionally, for the Instrumentation Engineering (IN) and Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) streams, some difficult and complicated questions video solutions will be available. We aim to improve this by offering comprehensive coverage and enhanced explanations across all subjects.



The GATE 2026 Online Test Series will be announced soon.

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